We can’t deny how beautiful Bengal cats are. With their stunning markings and very unique personalities they are a popular breed choice for many cat lovers. However, these felines are not just your standard lap cat and if you are thinking of getting a bengal we would strongly advise reading our below points about these… Read more »
We can’t deny how beautiful Bengal cats are.
With their stunning markings and very unique personalities they are a popular breed choice for many cat lovers. However, these felines are not just your standard lap cat and if you are thinking of getting a bengal we would strongly advise reading our below points about these interesting animals!
First of all – how did the bengal cat come to be?
The bengal cat is actually a hybrid of the Asian Leopard Cat and a Domestic Short Hair cat.
It is theorised that a breeder in California bought an Asian Leopard Cat to keep her regular Tomcat company, and thinking the two breeds wouldn’t mate, kept them together. Alas, they did mate and little hybrid kittens were born!
She then became interested in breeding these unique animals and continued to do so, resulting in the “Bengal” breed receiving full recognition by The International Cat Association in 1991.
Due to their wild leopard cat roots, Bengal cats are extremely active and intelligent, and need stimulation constantly to keep entertained. They can easily learn how to fetch and various other tricks that perhaps your average house cat may not be able to learn.
Don’t expect your bengal to be much of a lap cat. They will be far too busy entertaining themselves by running around the house to have time for too many cuddles!
Like all cats, we would highly recommend getting a bengal cat microchipped! With all that energy they could go wandering just about anywhere and you want to be sure you are able to get them back home safely and quickly!
Bengal cats are a very unique breed of cat and would be perfect for a family with active children who can give them lots of attention and play time! We would recommend a big space for a bengal to utilise too – they would definitely not appreciate being in a small home without much stimulation!
Most importantly make sure you are adopting your bengal cat from a registered breeder who has given your new cat the best start in life by making sure they have been vaccinated and checked over by a vet.
Enjoy your beautiful new pet and be the most responsible bengal owner you can be!
Your new cat will certainly demand this of you…