As the nights are getting colder and your feline companions spend more time inside you may begin to notice your cat is scratching and chewing away at themselves a bit more than usual. Fleas are extremely common in all animals and can be picked up pretty much anywhere. Even indoor cats can catch fleas! The… Read more »
As the nights are getting colder and your feline companions spend more time inside you may begin to notice your cat is scratching and chewing away at themselves a bit more than usual.
Fleas are extremely common in all animals and can be picked up pretty much anywhere. Even indoor cats can catch fleas!
The most annoying thing about these nasty little critters is that they will lay eggs at an extremely fast rate, not just on your cat, but everywhere around it. Your home could have fleas hiding in all its deepest and darkest corners!
If you suspect your cat may have fleas your first course of action should be to contact your vet! Book an appointment and get your cat checked over.
If your suspicions are correct and your cat has fleas then your vet will be able to prescribe a suitable product to get rid of them!
However, do bare in mind if the fleas have managed to lay lots of eggs around the house you may need to spray and treat your home too!
So what is a flea exactly?
Cat Fleas are reddish-brown in colour and hop and hide in fur! They live for 7-14 days and can lay up to 50 eggs a day!
They thrive in heat, so now you’re switching on your heating more you may notice fleas around the house more!
How often should you treat your cat for fleas?
Different products vary in how often you should apply them, ranging from monthly, to three monthly application it is important to talk to your vet and work out the best treatment for your cat!
Fleas are not dangerous to your cat if treated appropriately. However if fleas are left your cat may continue to over-groom which can lead to bald spots and sore skin which can lead to other health concerns so act quickly before this happens!
We’re always happy to give you some guidance over the phone if you have questions about fleas so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you want some more help!